102-1252. Same – Landscaping requirements.

Parking lots shall be effectively landscaped with trees and shrubs to successfully manage the visual impact of glare, headlights, and lights associated with use of the parking areas on the public right-of-way and on adjoining properties, and to present an attractive appearance to the site. The landscaping of all parking lots for a nonresidential use shall satisfy the following standards:
The applicant shall provide an eight-foot wide landscaped strip planted with canopy trees and low shrubs around the perimeter of all parking areas located to the side or rear of a structure. A minimum of one canopy tree that is equal to 10 plant units shall be provided per every 40 feet of parking lot perimeter. A minimum of two plant units of shrubs shall be provided for every 10 feet of parking lot perimeter. The vegetated buffer yards required in the front, side or rear setback area may be used to satisfy the landscape requirements for parking lots when the respective parking lot abuts the buffer yards on one or more sides. The guideline for determining plant units is defined in section 102-1249(b) and (c).
The applicant shall provide a continuous landscape strip that is a minimum of eight feet in width between every four rows (a row is one car deep) of parking which contain five or more cars per row. A minimum of one canopy tree equal to ten plant units shall be provided for each 40 feet of length or fraction thereof of the landscape strip. A minimum of two plant units off shrubs shall be provided for each 10 feet of length of the landscape strip.
The applicant shall provide the following planting islands if the size of the parking area warrants such islands:
A planting island that is a minimum of 200 square feet in size shall be provided at each end of all parking rows that contain 12 or more parking spaces.
A planting island that is a minimum of 100 square feet in size shall be provided in the interior of any parking row that is greater than 100 feet in length, and for each 100 lineal feet or fraction thereof of length of the parking row.
All planting islands shall include one canopy tree equal to ten plant units, and other appropriate landscaping material that accentuates the appearance of the planting island.
The code enforcement officer or the planning board shall encourage and may require the use of a vegetated landscape berm to lessen the visual impact of parking areas that are located to the front or side of a structure. A landscape berm that is 30 inches or more in height shall be equal to 20 plant units per 100 lineal feet or fraction thereof of berm. A landscape berm that is 15 inches or more in height shall be equal to ten plant units per 100 lineal feet or fraction thereof of berm.
Notwithstanding the above provisions, the applicant may submit and the code enforcement officer or the planning board may consider an alternative landscape plan for the siting of landscape areas that provides an equal or greater amount of landscaping required by this division, and that addresses the goals identified in this section.
Ord. No. 79-2001, 6-5-2001