Article IX. Performance Standards  

Division 1. Generally
102-1101. through Sec. 102-1120. [Reserved]
Division 2. Environmental Standards
102-1121. Applicability.
102-1122. Subsurface wastewater disposal.
102-1123. Erosion control.
102-1124. Control of stormwater run-off.
102-1125. Wastewater pollution.
102-1126. Air pollution.
102-1127. Odors.
102-1128. Glare.
102-1129. Noise.
102-1130. Gravel extraction.
102-1131. Heating systems and oil storage tanks.
102-1132. Burning of household trash, brush and stumps.
102-1133. Timber harvesting.
102-1134. Uses in wetlands.
102-1135. Uses in floodplains.
102-1136. Soils.
102-1137. through Sec. 102-1180. [Reserved]
Division 3. Nonresidential Development Standards – Route 3 Commercial
102-1181. Applicability.
102-1182. Minimum lot size and lot frontage requirements – Additional standards to dimensional standards identified in section 102-771.
102-1183. Minimum front setback and buffer yard requirements for nonresidential structures.
102-1184. Minimum side setback and buffer yard requirements.
102-1185. Minimum rear setback and buffer yard requirements.
102-1186. Minimum buffer yard planting requirements for nonresidential uses.
102-1187. Nonresidential structure design requirements.
102-1188. Parking areas – Amount and layout of parking.
102-1189. Parking areas – Landscaping requirements.
102-1190. Curb cuts and site access.
102-1191. Internal circulation.
102-1192. Utilities.
102-1193. Noise.
102-1194. Dust, fumes, vapors and gases.
102-1195. Odor.
102-1196. Glare/lighting.
102-1197. Stormwater management.
102-1198. Wetland impact.
102-1199. Floodplain impact.
102-1200. Soils.
102-1201. Soil erosion and sedimentation control.
102-1202. Solid waste collection and disposal.
102-1203. Explosive materials and chemical and fuel storage facilities.
102-1204. Hazardous wastes.
102-1205. Construction of off-site improvements.
102-1206. Impact on municipal facilities and services.
102-1207. Performance guarantees for required improvements.
102-1208. Determination of project ownership and mechanism to construct and maintain required improvements.
102-1209. Handicap accessibility.
102-1210. Specific standards for drive-through windows and service windows (restaurants, banks, drug stores, etc.).
102-1211. Specific standards for uses that have a canopy associated with a drive-through or service area.
102-1212. Loading and off-loading areas and operations.
102-1213. Nonconforming size of use or size of structure.
102-1214. through Sec. 102-1240. [Reserved]
Division 4. Nonresidential Development Standards – Route 1 South Commercial, Searsport Avenue Commercial, Searsport Avenue Waterfront, Route 141 and Mill Lane Commercial, Route 137 Commercial Districts
102-1241. Applicability.
102-1242. Minimum lot size and lot frontage requirements – Additional standards to dimensional standards identified for the respective zoning districts.
102-1243. Minimum requirements for nonresidential structures – Front setback.
102-1244. Same – Side setback.
102-1245. Same – Rear setback.
102-1246. Minimum front buffer yard requirements.
102-1247. Minimum side buffer yard requirements.
102-1248. Minimum rear buffer yard requirements.
102-1249. Minimum buffer yard planting requirements for nonresidential uses.
102-1250. Nonresidential structure design requirements.
102-1251. Parking areas – Amount and layout of parking.
102-1252. Same – Landscaping requirements.
102-1253. Curb cuts and site access.
102-1254. Internal site circulation.
102-1255. Utilities.
102-1256. Noise.
102-1257. Dust, fumes, vapors and gases.
102-1258. Odor.
102-1259. Glare/lighting.
102-1260. Stormwater management.
102-1261. Wetland impact.
102-1262. Floodplain impact.
102-1263. Soils.
102-1264. Soil erosion and sedimentation control.
102-1265. Solid waste collection and disposal.
102-1266. Explosive materials and chemical and fuel storage facilities.
102-1267. Hazardous wastes.
102-1268. Construction of off-site improvements.
102-1269. Impact on municipal facilities and services.
102-1270. Performance guarantees for required improvements.
102-1271. Determination of project ownership and mechanism to construct and maintain required improvements.
102-1272. Handicap accessibility.
102-1273. Loading and off-loading areas and operations.
102-1274. Specific standards for drive-through windows and service windows (restaurants, banks, drug stores, etc.).
102-1275. Specific standards for uses that have a canopy.
102-1276. View protection standards for Searsport Avenue Waterfront District.
102-1277. Nonconforming size of use or size of structure.
102-1278. through Sec. 102-1300. [Reserved]
Division 5. Nonresidential Development Standards – Office Park District
102-1301. Applicability.
102-1302. Minimum buffer yard areas for nonresidential uses.
102-1303. Minimum planting requirements for buffer yards for nonresidential structures.
102-1304. Minimum buffer yard planting requirements for nonresidential uses.
102-1305. Nonresidential structure design requirements.
102-1306. Parking areas – Amount and layout of parking.
102-1307. Same – Landscaping requirements.
102-1308. Curb cuts and site access.
102-1309. Internal circulation.
102-1310. Utilities.
102-1311. Noise.
102-1312. Dust, fumes, vapors and gases.
102-1313. Odor.
102-1314. Glare/lighting.
102-1315. Stormwater management.
102-1316. Wetland impact.
102-1317. Floodplain impact.
102-1318. Soils.
102-1319. Soil erosion and sedimentation control.
102-1320. Solid waste collection and disposal.
102-1321. Explosive materials and chemical and fuel storage facilities.
102-1322. Hazardous wastes.
102-1323. Construction of off-site improvements.
102-1324. Impact on municipal facilities and services.
102-1325. Performance guarantees for required improvements.
102-1326. Determination of project ownership and mechanism to construct and maintain required improvements.
102-1327. Handicap accessibility.
102-1328. Loading and off-loading areas and operations.
102-1329. through Sec. 102-1360. [Reserved]